Direct mail delivers a unique blend of both advertising and selling opportunities:

  • Frequent direct mail advertising builds awareness and recall of your company when buying interests come to mind for pool owners. The potential for awareness and recall are measured by how many pool owners receive your message (reach) and how many times (frequency). 
  • Sales are measured by the response to the offers contained in your direct mail piece (response rate). Usually that is the number of pool owners that came into your store as a result of a campaign. Sometimes they may redeem a coupon or they might just be driven by a promotion as in the case of a product sale. The more compelling the offer, the higher the response.
  • Frequent direct mail communication also has another benefit. It contributes to a precious commodity called customer loyalty by helping pool owners feel recognized and appreciated. Pool retailer research shows that loyal customers purchase 6.7 times as much per year than casual customers. Measure this by comparing your annual customer retention rate to the previous year.

If you only mail one postcard and quit, you probably just wasted your money. But in reality your advertising likely did better than you thought. Without frequency you never got the chance to experience it.

To receive a free pdf file of our White Paper: "The Six Most Important Facts about Direct Mail Marketing in the Pool Retail Industry," or to inquire about our services, contact Steve Carlyle: